I learned so much about PayPal from reading the posts of Don Lueders and Robert Eisenstadt - than my groping for what to do to add money to my PayPal account.
I wrote David Spragg for help, very helpful indeed.
Then went into PayPal and read and read but I was not satisfied with the "multiple choice" structured on how to do it.
I reach out to my own sons who has PayPal - sure they will give me the fund - don't worry about payback.
Back in my computer I looked for the Safe Ship, and the cigar stores services - how they charge, have to bring money to store, with your password and accounts etc., etc., and etc.
What my password and my account log in, in their computer - I am DEAD. They forgot to ask for my house keys and safety deposit box.
Then what came up was Green Dot - MoneyPak - I spent more, additional $1, but I will save next time with Rick O tip, but I wonder if the Circle K gas station has it - I will check.
Thank you guys for the knowledge I learned with this post.