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The Chip Board Archive 23

Hey Buddy hang in there, glad everyone is OK !!!
In Response To: WOW ()

We don't have earthquakes to deal with here in Delaware - mostly storms, high tides and floods. At least we know when bad weather is coming - but an earthquake is so sudden and unpredictable and can be so destructive.
I hope there aren't any severe after shocks to deal with.
Take care,

Messages In This Thread

earthquake in Napa 8-24-2014
Hey Buddy hang in there, glad everyone is OK !!!
Re: earthquake in Napa 8-24-2014
Steve, Glad to hear you and family are all O.K.
Glad You Are all OK
Steve was worried about you glad all safe
Glad You Are Safe, Stuff Can Be Replaced
Glad You Are OK
Re: earthquake in Napa 8-24-2014
Glad to hear all is fine...
Sorry to read about your quake experience ...
bummer dude
Re: earthquake in Napa 8-24-2014
Re: Four words...
Re: That does not sound fun
Steve..great to hear you are ok!!
Di and I were thinking of you guys
Trade wine for chips....great idea!!
Please dont tell my wife that's an option
vbg vbg vbg vbg vbg
Glad you're OK, hope the chips are OK too.
We Have Been Thinking Of You-Glad Yor Are OK
Re: earthquake in Napa 8-24-2014
Oh, man!
Thank you all for the kind thoughts grin
Thank goodness you guys are ok!
Re: earthquake in Napa 8-24-2014

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