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The Chip Board Archive 23

NCR - Thank you ALL!!

I don't remember if I have told you all this or not. My Dad tripped while he was working on his 1927 Model T Ford and broke his hip. So I had to race up to Coeur d'Alene while his hip was reset and my Mom was a tad beside herself trying to tend to her husband and dealing with friends & family, then trying to deal with her own feeling about seeing my Dad in the hospital - again!!

The good news is, he went back to his orthopedic surgeon a few weeks ago. His hip is healing perfectly and he doesn't have any future appointments - at least with that doctor. Now, of course, he is 69 years old and is showing the occasional signs of dementia. Could be something of it could be he is 69 years old and turning into a cranky old man who forgets things once in a while. Either way, I'm just glad I have him around for a while longer.

I just wanted to thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts. Our family truly appreciated them all.

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NCR - Thank you ALL!!
Happy to hear he is doing so well, Cale! grin
Glad to hear all is well.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg