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The Chip Board Archive 23

NCR - Update on Leg Injury !!!!

Went to Ortho Dr. today. Final diagnosis = Torn Hamstring Tendon. Treatment = 6+ weeks of limited activity, doing everything in slooooow motion and very carefully. Re-evaluate mid-October for possible PT.
If I can drive and get around I am planning on going to Atlantic City August 31 - Sept. 2 for closing of Showboat and Revel, Sept. 6 = 50th High School Class Reunion and Sept 14 = A C Chip Club meeting.
At least it is good to know the extent of the injury and what I can do.
I will hopefully get all the chips ( 100s and 100s of them) I bought over the last 4 or 5 months cataloged and put away and make good use of my "down time".

Take care,
Jerry " Resting a little easier" Birl

Messages In This Thread

NCR - Update on Leg Injury !!!!
Take It Slow And Get Well!!!!!
Get well soon
get better! vbg
Get Well Soon
Take Care Jerry!
Get Well, Get Well Soon, We Want You To Get Well!
Wishing you a healthy and speedy recovery
I hope you heal quickly, Jerry!
Feel Better!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg