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The Chip Board Archive 23

My health status long post sorry

For all who don't know I had a LVAD (Left Ventricular Assist Device) surgery Sept 10 2013. It is a heart pump placed beneath the heart with a drive ( power line ) line coming out my abdomen. It attaches to a computer and two Li-ion batteries. Total weight on my waist is approx 7 lbs. It was three months rehab. Folllow by three rounds with CDIP which is a infection you can only get in the hoapital. Next due to the meds I developed a bleeder in my stomach. I lost so much blood I could not stand up. They missed fixing it the first time, but gave me 4 units of blood. Two weeks later they found it and sealed it off with laser. This time they gave me 6 units.
I have made it back to normal and went on a cruise in June to celebrate with some of my family members. So I'm back and selling on ebay and you will just have to put up with my chatter here on the board.

Messages In This Thread

My health status long post sorry
Great News-Keep It Up
Re: My health status long post sorry
Get & stay healthy, Jeff grin
Great News, Stay Healthy
Great to hear you are on the road to recovery Jeff
RoboChipper! Happy you're better.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg