I have some pretty big shoes to fill but we have great admins that really help make the project grow. ALso have a great support system with Charlie & Neal Silverman giving me direction. We have the goals of the MoGH in mind, and that is what keeps us going. There will not be any big changes coming, just maybe a few small things that started out as an idea, and with some brainstorming, we can put it on paper and changes can then be made.
I have been working on the Chip Guide now since we took the project over, not sure ihow many years (as time really does fly) but learning all the time. I will now have another learning curve to overcome by learning more of the behind the scenes computer skills that Charlie has been doing.
Feel free to write to me, ALL ideas will be talked about with the Admins and given an opportunity to shine.
Put this in your address book...
Thank you for this opportunity!