The ChipBoard has been around since 03/04/98 (just over 14 years) with some 1,080,272 posted messages, of which 1,075,230 have been Archived. While the Archives are searchable, they are constituted in 23 different segments. In order to go back and find a certain thread, one must first know the approximate date of the thread (year is OK, but year and month are better). Without an approximate date, one is then forced to sequentially search each of the Archive segments using key words applicable to the topic, or a posters name associated to the thread(s) of a topic.
It is no simple task to search, find, copy a link and then post that link here. But, the search is doable by any one.
In "ChipBoard-speak" or "ChipBoard-talk" when someone says or states that the information is in the "Archives" or was posted previously, it tends to mean that Yes, the info is here, but you will need to do the leg work to find it.
So, while questions are fine, sometimes the answer may be too long to re-create and to point in the direction where it can be found. This is especially true in the case of the Binion Horseshoe chips (the long and short of which is: It appears that no Horseshoe chips were ever destroyed and were kept by the Binion family. Those chips are now being sold into the collector market. The longer you wait, the cheaper they will be), Borland chips, El Cortez/Osborne chips, Four Queens Pai Gow chips and few other topics.
As a newbie, I suggest that you become familiar with the Archives. With over a million messages there, the Archives are just bursting with great information.
I hope that this post is useful and informative.
Enjoy this hobby!