There were a couple of stories similar to ours on a website for car rental reviews. At least one reviewer gave a "positive" rating, then in the description part of the review said it wasn't really a positive review, but he/she wanted the review to show up when people were looking...and only the positive reviews showed. We discovered that AFTER we got the letter asking us to pay a few thousand dollars .
Also...when we first got to the counter to pick up the car they claimed that we had cancelled our reservation (which we hadn't). Of course they were willing to rent us a car, still, but at a considerably higher rate . After an argument my husband called the corporate office and eventually got the car for the original rate. Another couple that was there at the same time was having a problem too...
I'm sure that many of their rentals go very smoothly...and no one could even come close to their rates last year, just saying be careful.