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The Chip Board Archive 23

I hate Win 8 but...

When Cindy got her new laptop it had Win 8 on it and was totally unintelligible. I couldn't even find where control panel was located so I could solve the problems I had. I paid a few bucks (literally) for a program called Start 8 that makes Win 8 look like XP or win 7. You get your Start button back so you can find the programs on your machine and it makes Win 8 almost bearable..

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This is my last post until???
Re: This is my last post until???
Re: This is my last post until???
Unless you have a new pc, stick with Windows7
Re: Unless you have a new pc, stick with Windows7
Windows 8.1
XP Will Continue To Function...
Chuck, Don't Do It!!! vbg vbg
Get Start8 and make it work
I'm still using 98 SE
8 Sucks! My next computer will be an Apple.
Stick with Window 8.1
Chuck -- you can continue to use XP. My PC...
I hate Win 8 but...
Windows 98 is better than Windows 8
Didn't you guys hear?
More on the story

Copyright 2022 David Spragg