Yesterday I posted about a chip I got at a local antique mall, looking for an ID. While no ID was offered, I did get a reply from John Zoesch that he also has a $25 version. So, this chip (mine) is sitting on my desk and as night fell today, I switched on an desk lamp (halogen) and the light reflected off the chip in such a way that I could see that there were scratches on the surface, and the scratches looked like lettering!!
So out came the loope and sure enough, on both sides of the chip there are hand scratched letters. The appear to be P C B A, but the B may be an ampersand symbol. In any event, I traced over the scratching with a graphite lead and wiped away the excess. This made the lettering more visible as shown in the scan below.
(this scan has the scrathed lettering highlighted with graphite)
(scan of both sides of the chip without enhancement of the lettering, which can be seen (faintly) on both sides)
John Zoesch, does your $25 have the same markings?