Hello, Steve, Thank you for the note.
In my previous tenure in the club, I was working 80 hours a week and had little time to devote to the hobby aside from late nights in my office. Currently I am working 0 hours (looking to change that) but it allows me time to further my interests and hopefully learn and contribute to the club. So I was just kicking some ideas around in my empty head
I am just looking for members or even non-member collectors who might be interested in occasionally meeting at one of the casinos or elsewhere for talk, trades, possibly a poker game and just meet and greets. It would be a chance to meet current members and even possibly recruit new members. If there is enough interest, perhaps an un-official chapter could lead to an official chapter one day but you got to start somewhere.
We have a lot of potential new casinos (Mass is talking 3, NH is still playing political volleyball but at least one has a chance) and already opened ones in the area (CT, RI, Maine, and Upstate NY).
As to the more direct answer to your query...I would say:
Rhode Island
New Hampshire
and New York.
Of course others would be welcome but The AC Club has things well in hand. beyond NY.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Note: I am posting this rather than direct email to encourage others who may have ideas or input..all is welcome