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The Chip Board Archive 23

No, not at all. That would not make sense. However

in looking for possible reasons why, is it not possible that some tokens (from both properties, under the same ownership and minted with 1979 and 1980 dates) went unused and at some point were buried at the same time?

Do we know the date of burial?


Messages In This Thread

An interesting token find at a coin show...
Re: An interesting token find at a coin show...
Pam, that's it! The ashtray!!!
Re: An interesting token find at a coin show...
Re: An interesting token find at a coin show...
Re: Story is Correct
Re: Story is Correct and
Gene, thanks for the confirmation on the basic...
Highly unlikely ............
But still possible, keep in mind that these...
Re: But still possible, keep in mind that these...
No, not at all. That would not make sense. However
Re: Gene, thanks for the confirmation on the basic
Re: An interesting token find at a coin show...
Interesting info Don, thanks! As for the Susan B..

Copyright 2022 David Spragg