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The Chip Board Archive 23

More info on Playboy Roulette Chip Designs !!

Yesterday Lance Robertson asked about Playboy Roulettes from the Bahamas. Show below are the various Bud Jones designs that were used on Playboy chips in Atlantic City and other "generic" Bud Jones designs.

In addition to Playboy the Bud Jones roulettes were also used at the Claridge, Harrahs and Harrahs Trump Plaza Casinos in A C.

The color photo is a salesman's sample photo of all of the various designs and colors of Bud Jones plastic injection molded roulette chips that were sold to Harrahs Trump Plaza.

The chips used at the Playboy in the Bahamas were probably - Style B - with Roulette above and below the center design. I have no idea of how many tables were in use or which designs were used on the Playboy Bahamas chips.

All of this information is from my "R.I.C.H. Catalog and Checklist of Atlantic City Roulette Chips" which was published in 2002.

Take care,
"Mr. Roulette"

Messages In This Thread

More info on Playboy Roulette Chip Designs !!
Here Are Three Roulettes...
A good place to ask would be a GamingFloor.
.... "at" and not "a" grin
Re: Here Are Three Roulettes...
Re: More info on Playboy Roulette Chip Designs !!

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