The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 23

For your consideration....

Resorts International's Paradise Island, Donald J. Trump Luncheon, November 19, 1987.... Paperweight; 1" × 3" × 4"

The piece is actually crystal clear, but in the scan there was a white sheet of paper blocking background.

The jeton is 55 mm (approx. 2-1/8"

I've sold similar paperweights such as a $100 el San Juan plaque, an American Airlines presentation piece with an embedded Americana Puerto Rico $100 chip and a Monaco 100.000f plaque ranging in price from $400 to $700, but none of those pieces were as noteworthy as this one... grin

If you're into Bahamas, Paradise Island, jetons or Donald Trump... this piece is for you... vbg

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For your consideration....
vbg I should also mention that ~~

Copyright 2022 David Spragg