I found these nice Chinese Crest & Seal chips at an antique shop. Unfortunately, I had to buy a vintage Mah Jong set at an antique store price to get them. The seller would not separate them. They are at least very nice mah jong tiles - a near complete set of 147 tiles.
These are the Chinese Character chips. The top row is, per Rich Hanover's great site, Da Fa Cai (Grow Big Fortune) for the red and green and Da Sheng Cai (Make Big Fortune) for the white. The Bottom row is Song (Pine Tree).
These generic Fleur de Les were also included. They have some undecipherable writing on them that has mostly worn off. The date on one of them shows well - at least I am guessing its a date - 1/24/41.
Here is what the Mah Jong tiles look like. They look like Bakelite but I can never tell and , No - I'm not sticking a hot pin in them to find out.