of the "Buy-It-Now" price & had those offers accepted. Sometimes, my offers got counter-offers which were, in many instances, still much less than the "Buy-It-Now" price. I guess it all depends on what the buyer is willing to pay & what the seller is willing to accept.
As far as the bid retractions...I've done a few. In many cases, I will first contact the seller to cancel a bid. If the seller chooses not to, then I will consider retracting my bid. used to notify you when the seller's description changed on an item that you were bidding on. They don't do that anymore. So if I listed some chip that was in great shape & you were the high bidder, then a few days later added to the auction that the chip was warped or not the one in the auction photo, what would you do? It happens. My most recent was a bunch of individual Hard Rock pins that were decently priced but had shipping of $6.95 per auction. I asked if they would combine shipping, the guys wife answered "yes", so I bid on them. The seller came back a few days later & said that he wouldn't combine shipping, so I retracted all of my bids.
As far as the last item goes, here's what I have done & had done & it works great. If I contact someone or someone contacts me about an auction that closed with no bids, i / they contact each other & put the item back on for the "Buy-It-Now" price that they / I was willing to pay. This is really the best way, that way everyone is covered through
and/or PayPal. I've had a couple early on where people bought / sold stuff from / to me that didn't work out well & you really have no recourse.
Sorry about the Longhorns loss yesterday...seems like the USC coaching change is working out well so far. Maybe yours will too.