I set up an account at my local credit union that allows PayPal to electronically move the amount from my account without incurring any fees to me or the seller. Check your PayPal profile to set up this method of transferring funds without fees. There are no costs from my credit union and I can purchase items the same as if I was using the "gift" feature. PayPal doesn't care since the transfer is electronically generated and does not cost them a penny. There's one catch, if you sell using PayPal and have a buyer pay into your account, the funds deposited in PayPal will be used before the electronic transfer. Example: If I have a cash balance of $2, the the cash balance is applied to a $5 purchase and the balance of $3 will be electronically withdrawn so there would be a fee. So, I only use my PayPal account to pay for items, not sell items. The credit union account has low balance, but can be drafted to increase through my on-line banking for larger purchases. By doing this, I don't pay fees, the seller is not charged fees because PayPal's policy says they do not charge fees on funds electronically transferred. Hope this helps.