Dragnet, a very perspicacious gentleman who lives southwest, sent this
collection of quotes on the subject of aging...
"By the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he's too old to go
anywhere." —Billy Crystal
"Sometimes, when I look at my children, I say to myself, Lillian, you
should have remained a virgin." - Lillian Carter (mother of Jimmy Carter)
"I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not
pleased to read the description in the catalog: No good in a bed, but fine
against a wall."- Eleanor Roosevelt
"Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint."
- Mark Twain
"My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying."
- Ed Furgol
"Money can't buy you happiness... but it does bring you a more pleasant
form of misery." - Spike Milligan
"What's the use of happiness? It can't buy you money."
- Henny Youngman
"Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people only once a year."
- Victor Borge
"I don't feel old. I don't feel anything until noon. Then it's time for
my nap." - Bob Hope
"We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its
way through Congress." - Will Rogers
"Don't worry about avoiding temptation... as you grow older, it will
avoid you." - Winston Churchill
"Maybe it's true that life begins at 50... but everything else starts to
wear out, fall out, or spread out." - Phyllis Diller
"The cardiologist's diet: If it tastes good spit it out."
- Unknown
"By the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he's too old to
go anywhere." - Billy Crystal
"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes
you nothing. It was here first." - Mark Twain
"Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life."
-Herbert Henry Asquith