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The Chip Board Archive 23

Hey Albert that will be Great - I'll have a 1000..

............chips to sell to each one of them !!!! vbg vbg vbg vbg vbg vbg
Take care,
Jerry "I've got plenty of chips for everyone. " Birl

Messages In This Thread

WoooHooo I'm in for Life vbg
Re: WoooHooo I'm in for Life vbg
Congrats, Chuck...may you enjoy the hobby for many
Welcome to the Lifers Chuck!
Congratulations Chuck!
Well Done chuck ! vbg
Congrats!! vbg See ya's SOON!!
rofl rofl CONGRATS!!! rofl rofl
Congrats Chuck, welcome 2 the lifers, C Chuck here
Chuck - Now you can get the "Lifer" Discount......
I'll be there grin
There will be a hundred people lined up there!!!
Hey Albert that will be Great - I'll have a 1000..
Any with sailfish??? Lucayan???
Congrats Chuck! vbg
Thanks Dennis

Copyright 2022 David Spragg