All I did is make a request that if you want something seen by the BOD then it should be posted on a
The chipboard is NOT a board. People can flag it however they like but I think your suggestion is unrealistic to require BOD members to read the Chipboard, the Strikepoint, the Slot Card BBS, and other sites that collectors frequent like chiptalk all in search of suggestions that people want discussed by the BOD no matter how they are flagged or noted.
If your looking for a discussion by lots of people and more views then by all means please post wherever you like. However if you want to make sure it gets on the agenda for a BOD discussion, I would suggest it gets posted on the ONLY board that is maintained by the .
A post with 400 views is fantastic, but does little good if it is never seen or discussed by club officials.
I guess it all depends on what your looking to accomplish.
Just my opinion.