to get the chips we need, which is our full concentration at this time.
We do not want to expand our collecting interest, we are fine where we are and the fun is still in the hunt - but some chips we need never seem to surface for sale which means it's hard to keep our interest - there is a very small quanitity available as only the NIS providers buy large lots and once the NIS provider no longer get requests for them the chips are returned so they can buy more new ones; and the future collectors are going to have a very hard time completing their collection and in a short while they will give up and turn to other interests. And this applies to slot cards, room keys and other casino collectibles, as well.
As an example, here is one we have been looking for for years and willing to pay much more than double face and no offers have been put forward -
If you cannot keep the current collectors interest we will lose them, as we see all the time what with collections coming up for sale here and on eBay.
On item that bothers us is in the "THE CHIP RACK", a great guide, there is statement at the bottom of each chip pricing page "* = no market" which to me means none have sold and no is looking for it; but we think in reality it should read "* no activitity" meaning as far as "THE CHIP GUIDE" authors know none have sold or no one is looking it. This should give a little better understanding of the market.
BTW - David Spragg has been very helpful in pluging up the holes in our collection.