Some people don't know it, but law enforcement (among others) can pretty much hack anybody's smartphone and download your pictures, videos, email, texts, contacts, everything. This is at least in Canada and the U.S. I keep reading more about it. Some privacy groups are fighting this, but so far seems law enforcement in US/Canada has found a loophole allowing this. And how is law enforcement learning this? From hackers.
Hackers are finding a way to make a business out of this. Read this story on how a Canadian hacker is giving training to law enforcement on how to hack phones. In the U.S. I've read similar stories. There's even a company that makes a device for law enforcement. It uses Bluetooth to hack into your phone and steal all your information while they have you stopped on the side of the road. They just need a few minutes. Great law enforcement tool. But at a certain point all these stories make you wonder what kind of privacy you really have.
And how long before someone with bad intentions gets a hold of this information/technology?
(BTW, I have nothing against law enforcement. I have the deputy chief of police, sheriff, and a few constables at my regular poker games.
My wife works with them too. Great guys, but I think they just come here to hack our phones )