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The Chip Board Archive 23

Local TV coverage
In Response To: I still love you ;) ()

In 1999 I went to every local Las Vegas television station on the Monday of convention week to hand-deliver a press release including contact information, a convention schedule and a station specific invitation for each of them to check us out. I hoped that providing this information in person at each station might more likely result in some kind of coverage than a generic emailed press release would.

There are more tools available today than there were 14 years ago, but getting the information in front of the people who actually make the decisions on what their stations will explore and air on news programming that is basically "filler" is not an exact science, and there's no way to predict the end results.

I'm not saying we shouldn't keep trying to garner local TV coverage, but other news (or a lack of interest) will dictate what gets aired.

Messages In This Thread

25 years, How Cool!
A slippery slope ...
Couldn't agree more, Archie...
For the sake of argument... Archie & Steve,
I don't agree, Westen, but I am just one member
I still love you ;)
Forward a link to this post to the club's VP
Westen, I WAS Interviewed on TV last year
Thanks for your hard work guys.
Re: Westen, I WAS Interviewed on TV last year
Local TV coverage
Shot Gun/ Round Robin
Re: Shot Gun/ Round Robin
Re: Shot Gun/ Round Robin
grin Thanks, Barry grin
Thanks for the link from the archive Barry! grin
Re: 25 years, How Cool!
I don't think the money is the issue...
Westen, I will add it to the agenda to discuss at
Thanks Doug.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg