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The Chip Board Archive 23

Rick, Contrary to popular belief, the club picks
In Response To: if it is club related ..... ()

up very little of the costs for BOD members at the convention, even though we are required to be there.

As Treasurer I was required to be there 10+ days to make the BOD meetings and required bank deposits.

We pay for our own Airfare, Car Rental, Banquet Tickets, and even registration. On top of that, in the past the club has picked up only a small part of the room nights as I always had to cover more than 1/2 of them myself.

We try and charge the club as little as possible in order to keep costs down and give back as much as we can to our members.


Messages In This Thread

Convention car rental
if it is club related .....
Rick, Contrary to popular belief, the club picks
I used them a few years ago
Should clarify
Re: Once.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg