Beforehand, let me say that I have no idea if the chip you have is 'as made by the manufacturer' or doctored at a later date. I do see that it is included in ChipGuide as a Playboy, Atlantic City, Manufacturer Sample Chip, as shoiwn here:
If I am not mistaken, this type of CIC (Coin In Center) chip was made by Bud Jones, which has had several different manufacturing processes, over the years to make CIC chips. Some proccesses were better than others in allowing doctoring later on, while others were more resistent to such tampering.
However, because the end result for all of the different processes was to have a chip where the locking element for keeping the CIC in-place is hidden from plain view, it is always possible to take 3 chip examples (2 of the same chip and 1 of the second chip) and create a hybrid that still hides the way in which the 2 CICs are held in-place and would require a destructive process to show that it was faked.
Again, I am not passing judgement on your example, however, I feel confident that if I was provided with 2 examples of the Playboy chip and one of the Clermont chip, I could re-create the example you are showing on ChipGuide. The hardest part would be to separate the back-to-back CICs (if they were welded together) but not all Bud Jones CICs were welded and I just assuming that these are because the alignments (to the plastic rings) are always consistent.
I will be curious to see other comments on this chip and thanks for reading.