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The Chip Board Archive 23

Re: Quiz...Which TCR #'s are these?

The dates might well be wrong.

That said. Every inlay I am aware of for the last 80 years has been glossy.
The finish on the chip is down to whether the mold had a smooth or cross hatched center.
GN would have had many molds. Possible smooth and cross hatched were in use at the same time, there are examples from other casinos that come both ways around the same time.
Also, the GN mold NCV's known to be from the 80's have smooth.

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Quiz...Which TCR #'s are these?
Re: Quiz...Which TCR #'s are these?
Re: Quiz...Which TCR #'s are these?
Re: Quiz...Which TCR #'s are these?
Here is the same issue $5
I will wait for Jay to see this and he can see
My thoughts...
WoW, a Look Behind The Scenes vbg
What about the third S, though?
Ahhhh... the elusive third S!
And when Jay says regularly
Thanks J & D

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