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The Chip Board Archive 23

Can a poker chip be a snapper?
In Response To: Today's SNAPPER vbg ()

There's not unanimous agreement on the history of the word "snapper" as applied to a casino chip. I do think it's generally agreed that the $2.50 chip used to help the dealer pay the win on a player 21 hand is a snapper. I know, there aren't that many $2.50 chips anyway, so why not collect any chip with a 2 and a half denomination. I do it myself.

However, these Horseshoe chips say "for poker only" on the inlay. They can't have anything to do with the game of blackjack. In fact, the tournament winners they celebrate are poker tournament players.

Is it possible that Horseshoe did use some of these on the 21 tables? My memory says the only way you could get them was to buy the set of 20 sealed in a tube (or have them presented to you as a WSOP winner).

I would say, collect them if you like them, but they really aren't "snappers". This is not a dig at you Chuck; I like your regular posts. Mainly to stimulate some thought on how we refer to 2.50 chips.

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Today's SNAPPER vbg
Can a poker chip be a snapper?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg