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The Chip Board Archive 23

Dennis, I guess I may have over reacted a bit as
In Response To: whoaaaaaaaaaa wait a minute ()

you can tell this topic hits a nerve with me as well.

I didnt want anyone at all getting the impression that the BOD doesnt listen to ALL suggestions and proposals. While we dont accept or agree with many of them, we discuss them all and make decisions on what is in the best interest of the club and the hobby.

Thanks for making your post more clear and my apologies for taking it the wrong way,


Messages In This Thread

Kids' Program at the Convention
Ok, count us in.
Thanks again Belinda for making this a treat for
Kids involved with Gambling items?? ???
It is harmless
well it wasnt to well accepted....
dont get me wrong
Dennis, I am getting tired of this BS Inference
whoaaaaaaaaaa wait a minute
Dennis, I guess I may have over reacted a bit as
its all good Doug
YES, I am in, Thank you Belinda
Re: Kids' Program at the Convention
Re: Kids' Program at the Convention
Re: Kids' Program at the Convention
count us in.
What can I do for this program as a member, not as
Belinda I will participate again this year !!!!
Thanks, everyone!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg