Thanks, match cover framing same, but The Meadows is "The Diamond Match Co. New York." Maybe in was simply the 'style' of the moment. Anytime I see an article that includes the word "first" lights go off. As in, the first gambling operation on the Las Vegas Strip. Many would answer Hotel El Rancho Vegas, or Pair O' Dice, or evening Red Rooster. Problem is in the question. Since the Las Vegas strip didn't become the Las Vegas strip until, lets say when the Hotel Thunderbird was opened, the question could be asked, What was the first gambling operation on what would become the Las Vegas Strip? That question is even up for grabs, if you consider slot machines a form of gambling. Found a gas station that opened on U.S. 91 in 1930 that had a license for two slot machines. So, this leaves us with the following questions, what was the first nightclub on what would become the Las Vegas Strip that featured gambling? That would be the Red Rooster. What was the first hotel on what would become the Las Vegas Strip that offered gambling, of course, the Hotel El Rancho Vegas. (by the way, have you seen any articles on when the Hotel El Rancho Vegas, or the Hotel Last Frontier became the El Rancho Vegas Hotel, and the Last Frontier Hotel? (see what too much coffee does) Have been keeping notes on when the 'strip' became the Strip, and when it became the Las Vegas Strip. Found an article, 1945, that referred to it as "the Zone."
back to work. thanks for the information on the Red Rooster and the scan. Still think it may be the first Rooster matchcover, as the wording ties directly to the wording in the newspaper ads, and no mention of alcohol, or gambling.