The Stearns brothers took it over in the spring of 1935, and quite frankly took it back to the time when the Cornero brothers had it. Full floor show, remodeled the place took look like the Cocoanut Grove in Los Angeles. But it was the same Meadows, just dressed up to look different. But at least the Stearns had matches; they also produced little bells with the name Meadows Cocoanut Grove, Las Vegas on them. What I haven’t found are post cards or ash trays from 1935 from the Meadows. Yes, the 1931 C.T. but not from the 1935 period. The Stearns closed it for the summer, opened in the fall, and got into a beef with the local D.A. the fan dancer was missing fans. The Stearns were out of the Meadows by November 1935. But not out of Las Vegas. In 1941 they provided Bugsy with his entrance to Las Vegas, but that is another story. (sorry to babble on, too much coffee)