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The Chip Board Archive 23

Cleaning Curzon 100 Plaques and Odor.

I recently sold several Curzon 100 Plaques and a couple of people who bought the Plaques asked me how to clean and eliminate the odor from the Plaques.
I know the plaques are made of an old style plastic material that gives off an odor. Does anyone know the best way to clean and possibly eliminate or lessen the odor. Also what is the best way to store thes plaques.
Your imput would be greatly appreciated.
Take care,

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Cleaning Curzon 100 Plaques and Odor.
Re: Cleaning Curzon 100 Plaques and Odor.
SIMPLY DISCARD... Why expose yourself to DANGER ?
Re: SIMPLY DISCARD... Why expose yourself to DANGE
Re: SIMPLY DISCARD... Why expose yourself to DANGE
If "infectious"? Then you must be talking about...
Unless you live in a well-ventilated Igloo vbg
Ice cream belongs in a freezer; not plaques... grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg