Looks like the Gate did a pretty nice job on the rooms . Were you on the Fremont Street side? I used to enjoy staying there...it was fun look out the windows & watch the people on Fremont Street.
Then one fateful Sunday afternoon....we were taking an afternoon siesta, and they decided to test the speakers for the new Fremont Street Experience, that was under construction at the time. WHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT was THAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???????????? Geezzzzz....shook us right out of bed!! I don't think we've stayed there since then .
Then, when the Plaza reopened, we stayed there. They had some stooooopid bandstand set up at the corner of Main and Fremont, and some equally stooooopid band playing until like 2 a.m....and haven't stayed there since then .
I must be getting old . It wasn't that many years ago that I wouldn't even be back in the room until 4 a.m.
Now we stay at the El Cortez