You are invited to the final meeting of the Mid-America Casino Collectors Club to be held on Monday, February 11 starting at 7pm at the Ameristar Casino of Kansas City.
We will be meeting in the Food Court area by Burger King/Sbarro's.
It was a nice run while it lasted but in the last 2 years we have averaged fewer than 3 attendees per meeting, and we have decided there is no sense to try to continue having bimonthly meetings.
In club’s heyday (back in 2000/2001), we have monthly meetings and easily had 10 – 15 attendees.
Wilson Gee and myself have been talking about ending the club for the last 3 – 4 years since we were not seeing any new members show up to meetings and there was little trading going on.
If there is ever any interest in a trade session in Kansas City or in the area, please let us know we would be more than happy to meet with you and trade and discuss chips. Members of the club will continue to collect and attend the conventions.
If we get more collectors in the area, we might start the club up again.
Thanks again for all the years of support.
Ron Clewell - President of the Mid-America Casino Collectors Club