time limits, and I certainly understand the value of your proposal. Just in the same way that Rog's plea for a non-magazine membership makes sense for someone like him, who collects a specialty that is not often covered in the magazine (antique, non-casino chips). I think it's a good idea that needs some thought to include the broadest possible set of people that may actually help the growth and continuation of the hobby. I do, however, also understand Archie's concerns that: (1) we may end up with club numbers inflated by people who actually have no interest in the hobby at all; and (2) we don't actually encourage full dues paying members to stop paying the full membership price and pay only a small fraction, thereby devastating the club's financial condition. I don't think these points can be simply ignored. Thus, my suggestion, which may also have its problems, of creating a new category. I can now see it wouldn't fit the actual need that prompted your idea in the first place. So, more thought is needed, but the idea should be pursued.
Michael Siskin