Recently, I was emailed a message from a Board Member advising that he spotted an offer to sell a $300 Silver Strike that was also the 2011
Silver Strike of the Year. The Board member and I agreed that the asking price was reasonable and I was given the go-ahead to make a deal to acquire the strike for the
's Permananet Collection of All Past OTY Award winners.
In dealing with the seller, he offered to reduce the cost of the strike by $60, which is then considered as two shares (donations) towards the overall purchase price.
Over the past several years, several generous members have offered funds, earmarked towards a purchase/acquisition like this, in support to the Club. Well, after the $60 discount and other offers to donate, we are now asking 3 people to step forward and make a pledge for a $30 donation each.
This request is a first come, first served offer. Please feel free to post a reply message here to "Count Me In" for one of the 3 $30 donations.
You can also send me an email ( ) to lock down a donation slot. At the conclussion of this fund raiser I will post the names of the participants!
I thank you for your attention in this matter and any support to the !!!