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The Chip Board Archive 23

Armor All Protectant

You only need a drop & it works a treat to restore the colour to the chip & the inserts. Been using it for years & I've never seen any ill affects on the chips. Best with washed our Royal Red/Cherry/Red chips & also for Dolphin/BJ chips that seem to get that washed out look.

Messages In This Thread

Whatever happened to "Pledge Lotion"?
Re: Whatever happened to "Pledge Lotion"?
Re: Whatever happened to "Pledge Lotion"?
"Old English" Lemon Oil works well.
Sorry, don't collect Wooden Nickels, John *G*
Sorry to hear that grin our club had them at F.U.N.
Armor All Protectant
I have some for my car
Don, make sure that you use the "original"...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg