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The Chip Board Archive 23

Don, if I have a left-over...

I made arrangements with the traveller, prior to his departure, to get 10 of any 'new release' fifty cent chips. This was intended to cover my typical trade partners. However, he came back with 6 and one of those has some sort of staining on one side. One has already been claimed by a trading partner, and with this post, I am expecting further inquiries.

However, I will have you at the top of the list should I have a left-over. I will prefer a trade, but if that is not doable, then I will be looking at $3.50 for a US destination. (Which I know you are.)


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Is this a new chip from Celebrity Cruises?...
Re: Is this a new chip from Celebrity Cruises?...
Don, if I have a left-over...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg