as that.
I know there are many who feel like by changing the gun laws they are helping and at the very least it makes them feel better about themselves.
Will changes in the laws make a difference?
Who is to say that if this sick person was hell bent on causing damage and couldn't get a gun that he wouldn't bomb the school instead and kill a lot more people?
I do understand why so many people believe that better gun control will solve the problem, but I personally don't think its the answer.
Its already illegal to bring guns into a school, but didn't prevent this from happening.
Maybe the answer is better control on how guns are stored, or maybe better mental health care.
Personally I think the biggest impact would be to stop sensationalizing this type of thing by the media. How many wackos out there see what's happening and want to become famous themselves.
The sad thing is that few people will remember the victims names, but people will remember the shooter for a long time as his picture and story will be everywhere for months.
I know there are no simple solutions and everyone has an opinion.
God bless the victims of these crimes as well as all others perpetrated by these evil people.