More gun laws will only make it harder for the good people to obtain guns while the people with bad intentions will find ways to obtain what they want. It's no different than drugs being illegal....but whoever wants them, finds them. This was a tragedy with out a doubt but what your not thinking about is that these things have been happening forever. The only diffenece now though is the amount of coverage stories like this recieve due to all of the news outlets as well as the internet. Here is another idea....instead of outlawing weapons, how about we make people more aware of how firearms work and make people more comfortable with them? How about we make sure that normal everyday people recieve propper firearm training and try to get more upstanding citizens to carry weapons? I know this may be a little confrontational but I really believe that making guns harder to obtain and raising the price of ammo is going to do nothing more than hurt all of the upstanding citizens in our country. People are always to fast to do something to make a change but not thinking about what the long term outcome will be. To change the laws just because you think something needs to be done isn't always the correct answer.