Making the trip to the convention never seems to workout but this year I was given a very large kitchen pass to attend and I made it a 24/7 chipathon. From the time I landed on Monday to the time I left early Sunday Morning I visited over 80 casinos (in 2 1/2 days) , spent most of my time on the floor and hit every trading session. For all my time and miles put on the rental car I brought home this haul. (see picture). The U.S. Postal Service did a great job of getting everything back to my house and next year if you want to mail something just remember they have a self Service package machine so you can even drop off boxes after they close. It will take me a few months to go through all this and upload my new traders to the website. I am also planning on writing up a story with pictures on all of the casinos I visited and share some of the highlights of my trip around Las Vegas so if are interested in reading let me know.
Paul S.