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The Chip Board Archive 23

Dont Forget to Preregister for the Convention !!!!

If your planning on attending the 2014 Convention (AKA the greatest Show On Earth), your going to want to pre-register.

Only those that pre-register get:

1) A special $2.50 octagon that can either be saved or used at any dealers table
2) One Hour early admission on Thursday - Beat the crowds and get first shot at everything
3) Raffle Ticket to possibly win one of 8 Special Numbered Scrip Plaques - These sold for $100 or more last year
4) Special Coupons available only in the preregistration packages
5) Attend the Wednesday Trade sessions - You must have a badge to get into the trade rooms and only those that pre-register will be able to get badges before Thursday !!!!!!

Dont miss your chance at all this great stuff and the 1 hour early admission is priceless !!!!!

See the link on the page to Preregister now.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg