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The Chip Board Archive 23

Musing about new LV issues to come ...

We chippers have 3 new issues to look forward to: Westgate Resorts (former LVH); Linq (former Quad) and SLS (former Sahara).

So what will there chips look like? No inside knowledge here ... but I hope we have some better designs than the recent trend in plain-Jane artwork.
This design trend (think Cromwell, Cosmopolitan, Downtown Grand, Quad and the D) is disappointing, compared to classics of an earlier era.

So .. what will the new issues look like, and what are the design opportunities?

Westgate Resorts
It's reported that the Navegante Group, which held the gaming license under LVH, will continue to operate the casino for Westgate. So it's likely they will reorder chips similar to the LVH hat & cane mold. Perhaps using the script "WR" logo (for Westgate Resorts) shown below.
There's an opportunity for a nice Grand Opening chip too, featuring the mega-sign out front, if the re-do with new name is done right.

The Linq will likely order a new house mold to replace the current Quad house-mold chips. But PLEASE, put more design thought into the inlay graphic!!
Maybe they knew the Quad was a transition name (but if so, it's an expensive signage transition!). Anyway, Linq is the gateway to their new entertainment center and big-wheel ride. The round inlay is a natural for a picture of the big wheel, and the new facade out front would make a good-looking "building chip" to commemorate the difference in the former IP. AND, speaking personally, I don't need an additional reminder on the chip that the "Total Rewards" program exists. There's lots other ways to promote the slot ... er, players ... club without plastering it on every chip! Sheeh! Let's hope they spend for a new house mold and full size inlay, at least. Here's the current Quad chip and the new Linq logo (or one version of it).

Anything goes for this chip design. We can hope for some creativity, as the external re-do looks nice and the new operators are selling the "sizzle" of their nightclub-centric experience. Let's hope they produce a rack chip (and grand opening chip?) worthy of 21st Century design. The old Sahara chips and the SLS logo --

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Musing about new LV issues to come ...
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