- I Need Four
- I Need Four
- Today's SNAPPER
- A.J.'s Trading Post
- Chip for Today
- 2013
Calanedar Dates Availability Revision...
- Jim, I'll keep my date.
- Ralph, if your "date" is the...
President Casino New Yorker chips
- Re:
President Casino New Yorker chips
- Re:
President Casino New Yorker chips
- Then I'll open the request to anyone who has it...
- I have one I will sell
- Thanks! E-mail sent!
- Are there two different snappers?
- Re: Are there two different snappers?
- Thanks
- Chips for Sale on E-Bay
- whats your ebay name Jerry?
- Re: whats your ebay name Jerry?
Foreign Chips Large Lot 4
Row #1-#4, R#4-#5 & R-#6-#2
Row #2-#3 & R#5-#4
Row #2-#2, R#5-#1 & 5
Foreign Chips Large Lot 3
R#1-#3, R#2-#3, R#4-#3&5, R#6-#3
Row #2 -#1, R#5-#3 & R#6-#4
- Ebay listing pics question
Foreign Chips Large Lot 2
Chip #3 & 4 Row #2
Row #3 -#5
Foreign Chips Lot 3
Chip #1 Row #1
- Illegal Of The Day Texas 14
- Wow,another fantastic story,nice work everybody
- An excellent read and wonderfully informative!...
- Very nice
$1 camelot, $5 camelot
$100 camelot, $1 star dancer
$5 star dancer fish, $5 star dancer flower
The last of my Illegals on e-bay
Foreign Chips Large Lot 1
Chip #2 Row #3
Row #3-#5, R#4-#3, R#5-#1, R#6-#1
Foreign Chips Lot 2
Foreign Chips Lot 1
A Page A Day
new PCs in collection
- Re: Diabolical!
Feebay - Give full disclosure!
- I agree.....but
- Let me know if it works
- Re:
Feebay - Give full disclosure!
- Notched chips and samples
NCR ~ Friday Humor (Mature)...
- NCR Anyone else like old radio shows?
- Re: NCR Anyone else like old radio shows?
Listening now, Robert...
- I grew up on this stuff
- Hotrod of the day for 7-13-12
NCR ~ My one and a half cents...
Foreign Chips
Foreign Chips
- Re:
Foreign Chips Casino Buenos Aires
- North TX collectors
ID Help Please
- EGO Help Please
--- just say how nice I am!
- SUPER-EGO ----- no help needed.
425- Silver Strikes & Chips
- Re:
425- Silver Strikes & Chips
- Stones did their 50th-year gig. Time sure does fly
- "Time is on my side"
- Interestingly, ...
- 2 QL!
Taking offers
- The Hippodrome Casino, London UK, Grand Opening!!!
- email virus stopped
- More Info on this Sahara chip
- Re: More Info on this Sahara chip
- Re: More Info on this Sahara chip
- The official US Casino Guide
- Time line needs an adjustment. Plaques...
- Del Webb
- The 1976 Nevada Official Bicentennial Book
- Nice pic! Looks like the chip tray has some...
- Re: Bud Jones made 1st coin inlays
- More info on this Playboy chip
- Re: More info on this Playboy chip
- Thanks Ricky...
- 2012
Convention Chip Haul#3...
- NO Hard Rock Friday The 13th
- Jerry Herzog, You May Have a Virus
- yep, i got one to : ( from David Sarles to
- Bad email received from Jerry Herzog...
- You Type Faster
- $1.00 STARDUST (SIGN) $3.00 EACH
- $1.00 STARDUST (METAL) $3.00 EACH
Cruise Special 15 chips for $18 Page - 4
- If $18 also covers postage and handling...
Cruise Special 15 chips for $18 Page - 4
- NCR - 10:20 UT is what time EDT?
- out of curiosity, what is UT?
- Re: out of curiosity, what is UT?
- Only One Small Problem
- I am thinking 5:20 am. Becuase...
- Wrong. Eastern is -4 hours.
- Using an on-line time converter...
- London is UT + 1 hour (Daylight Savings Time)
- More than anyone ever needs to know about time
Themed NV chip lots now 20% off
- Any Oregon chip collectors out there?
- Re: Any Oregon chip collectors out there?
- Email sent.
- Bob, send it to Steve Goodrich
- Yes, but...
- Here are the chips I need info on.......
- Found something, might not help
- Re: Found something, might not help
- There is also a possibility they are from TX
- Unicorn mold on chips?
- It's a female Unicorn. No horn, just a little nub.
- It's like HHR & HHL
- NCR: I Need Optics or Photo Buffs Advice
- I saw this on the web....
- Thanks Charles
- Titleist Golf Poker Chips
- Re: Titleist Golf Poker Chips
- Re: Titleist Golf Poker Chips
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
- LVA Q of the day ?
- Re: LVA Q of the day ?
- Illegal,finally got the chip & matchcover
- Very Nice Dave
- Now, what does GAR MEA mean?
- I am so Jealous! I NEED one of those
- Re: Illegal,finally got the chip & matchcover
- Re: Illegal,finally got the chip & matchcover
- Re: You Guys Call Yourself...
- Re: You Guys Call Yourself...
- Super...and very graphically pleasing too!
- Great score Dave!!! Congrats on finding them.
- congrats
- ncr garage sale this weekend in Vegas
- Skip, call me
- Ralphie in move all is missed placed
Some new issues
- Re:
Some new issues
- Thanks Everett...
- Re:
Some new issues
A Page A Day
- Any USA casinos have an 'entrance fee' where a ~~~
- Re: Any USA casinos have an 'entrance fee' where a
- Re: Any USA casinos have an 'entrance fee' where a
- Pay a fee to gamble?? NEVER!!!!
- Re: Pay a fee to gamble?? NEVER!!!!
- Dick is right. Not only are there entrance fees ~~
- The old day's in Europe Coat and Tie to enter
- Re: The old day's in Europe Coat and Tie to enter
- Re: The old day's in Europe Coat and Tie to enter
- South Korea has one casino
- What is (was?) the 10% service charge
- Re: What is (was?) the 10% service charge
- Re:
$.50 card player
$5 sun princess
$1 celebrity x cruises
new PCs in collection
- Suggestions for next year's poker tourney
- Rick, I second that emotion...
- Re: Rick, I second that emotion...
- Good idea.
- I doubt that it would ever be included as part of
- I still like the idea. It was a suggestion suggest
- Anyone playing can certainly bring a chip for a
- Re: Anyone playing can certainly bring a chip for
NCR ~ Thursday Humor...
- Re:
NCR ~ Thursday Humor...
- I think I need 10,000 in chips
- Hotrod of the day for 7-12-12
NCR ~ My one and a half cents...
Eight (8) Indian Fractional - $15 Shipped
- went out on AA against 99
- Re: who is chiprocker? I hate him. lolololol
- Re: went out on AA against 99
- Re: went out on AA against 99
- JOKERstars
- If You Don't Believe Me..
- Holy poop on a stick!!!
- Don't Believe
- Re: 117% FACT!
- Re: another urban legend
- You Probably Also Think the Moon Landing Was Real!
- Re: You Probably Also Think the Moon Landing Was R
- Interesting as you say you were
- Re: Interesting as you say you were
- More Leg Puller than Sh*t Disturber
- That is Called "A Joke"
- What % do pocket AA win ?
- Re: What % do pocket AA win ?
- Re: AA win's roughly..
A few nicer chips from Lake Tahoe
- Howard, I appreciate the offer. However after
- Keetoowah Casino may close, need TITOs
Looking for trade of new issues
- Re:
Looking for trade of new issues
- eiffel tower plate
- Chip Board Poker Week 1 starts in 30 minutes.
- Re: Chip Board Poker Week 1 starts in 30 minutes.
- Re: Chip Board Poker Week 1 starts in 30 minutes.
- Re: Chip Board Poker Week 1 starts in 30 minutes.
- you must not be watching the right channel
- Re: Diabolical!
- its my last name..and its not lucky
- Chip Board Poker Week 1 starts in 15 minutes.
- Chip Board Poker Week 1 starts in 10 minutes.
- Chip Board Poker Week 1 starts in 4 minutes.
- Re: Chip Board Poker Week 1 starts in 4 minutes.
- Re: Chip Board Poker Week 1 starts in 4 minutes.
- is game late?
- Registered but not in play
- Re: Registered but not in play
- Re: Registered but not in play
- Re: Explanation???
- Re: Explanation???
- Re: I hope so too Allan. C U Next week
- Anyone here attending The Games ?
- John I have a nephew who lives in London
- Re: John I have a nephew who lives in London
- I wouldnt know what to go watch, not enough time
More Las Vegas Chips Added
Taking offers
- $60.00
- Re:
Taking offers
- Re:
Taking offers
- $73.00
- What 2013 Calendar Dates are Still Available?...
- Chip ID needed
- Re: Chip ID needed
- Thank you - 2 more to go
- Patio Club and Riverside Casino at...
- Thank you, Regggg
rare valuable crest&seal 1921 WY Pool Billiard
- aucrtion ends 11 PM tonight (ET)
- Rich Hanover - is your site down?
- It is working.
- I was hoping....
- Re: I was hoping....
- Attic find worth millions.
- Today's SNAPPER
- IN Brazil !!!!!
- Re: IN Brazil !!!!!
- Re: IN Brazil !!!!!
- Re:PLEASE.....
- I've heard that the beaches are...
- Visit as many Junk/Antique shops as possible ~~~
- Re: IN Brazil !!!!!
- Chip for Today
Fish & Chips
- Nice...what time is dinner?
5.00 chips from all over For Sale
Gilley's and silver saddle
- SOLD Perrermill hot rod sold
Cruise Special 15 chips $18 P-3
Cruise Special 15 chips $18.00
- Looking for the Buffalo Thunder 4th of July
- 633 Club Flamingo Dice
- Sold
- Re: Sold-
- Re: 633 Club Flamingo Dice
- Re: 633 Club Flamingo Dice
- Re: 633 Club Flamingo Dice
- Re: 633 Club Flamingo Dice
- Re: 633 Club Flamingo Dice ????
- Harder to Find Horseshoe Collectable on Ebay
- Same Dealer Selling an Apache Hotel Matchbook
- Update on Fred's Chip Collection Organizer
- I created a db for Bento (mac)
- Re: I created a db for Bento (mac)
- Your English is fine
- Re: Your English is fine
- E-mail sent. I hope it's helpful
- Re: Mac user weighs in
- I think Fred speak Portuguese
$1 table mountain,$1 paiute palace
$1 oaks club,$2 santa ysabel
A Page A Day
new PCs in collection
- Nice! I don't think I have that one.
- CHIPBOARD POKER PLAYERS Fall Season starts tonight
- Re: CHIPBOARD POKER PLAYERS Fall Season starts ton
- Re: CHIPBOARD POKER PLAYERS Fall Season starts ton
- Re: CHIPBOARD POKER PLAYERS Fall Season starts ton
- Chip ID... H.C.E.
NCR ~ Wednesday Humor...
- Oak Brook Golf Club chip
- Golf Club Chips
- Re: Golf Club Chips
- I'll try
- The Sting Poker Chips
- These?
- "The Sting" on TV Wed nite (TCM, 8 PM ET)
- "The Sting" Poker Chips
- These are the designs & colors
- If I don't buy them.....
- Depends on how many miles you drive everyday
Better Nevada $1 Chips
- ATTN: Jim Steffner - Just got a strange email from
- I too received that email to "Hi friend"
- Yes, hacked, don't open
- Hotrod of the day for 7-11-12
- Today's SNAPPER
- Think I'm done selling any chips for a while!!
- Re: Think I'm done selling any chips for a while!!
- Re: Think I'm done selling any chips for a while!!
- Use "Inflato-bubl" mailers
- Chip for Today
- Peter O'Toole retired at 79
- His best movie is my favorite year
- Im not an actor I'm a movie star
150 auctions ending this week
Less Than 2 Hours on Some Beauties!!!
- Wynn
- Yes, on my website here:
- convention attendance/business up or down?
- Re: convention attendance/business up or down?
- Re: convention attendance/business up or down?
- Dick, I believe Pre-registration was just
- $1.00 ALADDIN $3.00 EACH
- $1.00 CC>CC FIESTA (2000) $3.00
- $5.00 LISA MARIE PRESLEY $10.00
- Headed to Atlantic City in August
- Hey, hook a brother up.
- Dunn Deal
- Roger that, thanks.
- Re: Headed to Atlantic City in August
- sad day at hooters las vegas
- I see you're expected to tip the machine
- Im sure someone will try it
- Re: sad day at hooters las vegas
- Re: sad day at hooters las vegas
- Re: sad day at hooters las vegas
- Online.........
- (NCR) A Fun Read for Collectors
- Re: (NCR) Good article.
- Re: (NCR) A Fun Read for Collectors
- ??'s about Atlantic City chips..
- Re: ??'s about Atlantic City chips..
- Re: ??'s about Atlantic City PB chips..
- Hey Dave, AC chips are good.
- All AC Chips can be cashed in
- Re: ??'s about Atlantic City chips..
- Re: ??'s about Atlantic City chips..
- Re: ??'s about Atlantic City chips..
- Thanks for the answers!
- Looking for following chip
Lot of Nevada chips less than face
- 38 hours remaining!
- 4 hours left!
- Caesars Palace Fireworks 7-7-12
- EBay
ending soon
- Imperial Palace new name?
- Re: Imperial Palace new name?
- "The Quad" really...
- Re: "The Quad" really...
- Quite quaint but questionable!
- Re: Quite quaint but questionable!
- Re: "The Quad" really...
- They had an employee contest for the name
- LVH thoughts as well.
- Any MM fans here?
- Re: Any MM fans here?
- Very disappointing link...
- which brings up this question....
- Mickey on a chip
- Re: which brings up this question....
- anybody can bootleg a design
- The Korean thing is amusing
- There was a time that Disney aggressively...
- I disagree...
$100 LVH Baccarat chip
- is there also a $20 baccarat?
- Re:They didnt when the chips changed Don No $20s
- Here is a better scan Pretty$100 LVH Baccarat chip
both $.50 royal caribbean
$1 port richey, $2.50 port richey
$2.50 mardi gras queen
Another post vacation contest
- contest 1 name of entree
- Andy's Famous Bread Pudding w/ Ice Cream
- contest 2 name of restaurant
- Hash House a Go Go
- contest 3 name of casino
- Plaza - downtown
- each winner will receive this chip.
- Winner of all 3 is Robert Pardue
- Thanks - email on its way
- Here is good one for you. You may not even know..
- The Chip Board Poker Season starts in 25 hours
- PJ Sullivan variation c&s
- Test upload of Ron Bayne's picture
- Looks good
A Page A Day
Nevada Chips $10.00 ea...
More Nevada Chips...
Halloween chips $8 each
- Will take all 3
- All are
MORE Nevada $1 over face EXCEPT...
Nevada Palace & Westward Ho
Nevada $1 over face ...
- Key Largo
Ellis Island
- need your info, please email me.
SunCruz & Hollywood Cruises
PC added to my collection
- $1 Black Pearl, Spokane, WA
Lots of chips! US, foreign, cruise & more!
- Assuming that your scanner is having issues...
- email sent Jim
- Got it. Thanks! Jim
- Re:
Lots of chips! US, foreign, cruise & mor
- email sent Rob
- Re:
Lots of chips! US, foreign, cruise & mor
- Thanks Roy!
- Sent e-mail
- Groan, this variety had not
NCR: Room Keys
NCR ~ Tuesday Humor...
2 pair of dice from Red Lion Elko
NCR: Set of Slot cards from Model T Casino
- Other landmarks in this Venice series ?
NCR Slot cards from Red Lion Elko
- Email Sent
$25 Gold Country Motor Inn
Gold Country Motor Inn $5 chips
$1 chips from Seven Feathers
New Seven Feathers $5 chips
- email sent
One, Three more left
- Re:
New Seven Feathers $5 chips
- Re:
New Seven Feathers $5 chips
- Tracy, I will take one, will pay pal...
2 more left
- Hotrod of the day for 7-10-12
- Cheap samples
- Re: Cheap samples
- SAVED BY PEDRO chip #4
- South Point octagon on
Silver Strikes & More
Casino Ray, Helsinki, Finland chips
P&O Pacific Pearl chips, 5 hours left
- Re:
P&O Pacific Pearl chips, 5 hours left
Do You Have Any Of These Chips For Sale?
- I have the MGM Bicent. email me
- I sent you an email same as below
- Chip ID - Help - Thanks so much..
Wet chips for Sale most at face free shippin
- Re:
Wet chips for Sale most at face free sh
- SOLD #'s 8-13 6 total chips
- Paul Thanks for the 6 chip purchase
- $1.00 BINIONS HORSESHOE (H & C) $3.00
- $5.00 EXCALIBUR 1998 (8TH. ANNI.) $7.00
- A beauty! And Chip of the Year - 1998!!!
- $5.00 HACIENDA (TORO) 1996 $7.00
Chips at face free shipping
Stardust Playboy and Sahara
Orleans & Aladdin (not GO)
- Palms Playboy
- Yes SOLD
- Hey, John...
Auction 50¢ Nevada mold
Yesterday's themed NV chip lots now 10% off
- Plaques with stripes
- Re: Plaques with stripes
- Re: Plaques with stripes
- Re: Plaques with stripes
- Re: Plaques with stripes
- Don was correct but I will expand a little
- Re: Don was correct but I will expand a little
- Re: Don was correct but I will expand a little
Centralia, WA BPOE c&s
- Abraham Lincon quote for today
- Mis-attributed
- Who are these quotes from?
- Sorry I started this.........
- Re: Sorry I started this.........
- Re: Sorry I started this.........
- or a picture of Abe in a casino would be nice
- Your wish...
- Now that is good...!
- As Lincoln said . . .
- Re: As Lincoln said . . .
- 2013
Calendar is seeking some scans; "25th"
- For example....
- Additional submitted suggestions...
- The Silver Slipper $25
- One of my favorites!
- Re: 2013
Calendar is seeking some scans; "25t
- You mean this one?...
- Harvey's 25th Anniversary Sliver on Glass Bottle
- Charles, pretty cool! Is there any chance of...
Gee, Charles, it's.....
- Caesars Palace 25th Anniversary silver token
- Re: This one isn't really pretty...
- Re: This one isn't really pretty...
- Harolds Club 25th Anniversary matchbook
- Re: Harolds Club 25th Anniv...and the red one
- Re: 2013
Calendar is seeking some scans; "25t
- GREAT "Stuff" Everyone! Please keep 'em coming!
- Manufacturer/Advertising Samples...
- Here are a Few....
- Lost my best friend today...
- Sympathy...
Sorry Buddy
- Condolences John
- My condolences
- Pets are a special part of a family. God bless
- Pets are a special part of a family. God bless
- Re: Lost my best friend today...
- Our Deepest Sympathy....
- A part of the family..
- Re: A part of the family..
- Re: Lost my best friend today...
- With Deepest Sympathy
- Sorry to hear
- Bummer
- Re: Lost my best friend today...
- Re: Lost my best friend today...
- Very sad to hear that. My condolences.
- Re: Lost my best friend today...
- Re: so sorry
- It's like losing a child, feel your pain...
- That is a bummer John... sorry for your loss!
- sorry for your loss
- I know what...
- So sorry John
Gave my guys Xtra attention...
- Re: Lost my best friend today...
- Re: Lost my best friend today...
- Re: Lost my best friend today...
- Sorry to hear the bad news John
- I am so very sorry
- My condolences.
- Deepest and sincere sympathies sir
- My sincere condolances John.
- Sorry, to hear this...
- Sorry for your loss ...
- Sorry to hear that, John...my sympathies
- So Sorry To Hear
- I am sorry to hear that.. i lost mine 2 yr. ago.
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
- Info requested about "states" chips
- Re: Info requested about "states" chips
- Re: Info requested about "states" chips
- Re: Info requested about "states" chips
- Re: Info requested about "states" chips
- Re: New York Club
- Arizona Charlie's
Thanks for all the help
- Re: Info requested about "states" chips
- Antique poker chips....Crescents
- Put a code on the Yellow one
- ATTN; Chris Carlson R-7928
all the
in stock including New $1 Trop
- Electricity is finally back on !!
- You should have paid the bill sooner!
- I thought the due date was just a suggestion
- Damn!! From:Bob C in the Ohio St Pen
A Page A Day
$1 century casinos,$1 discovery white
$1 opou, $1 stardancer bear
$2.50 shotgun club
$1 discovery cruises yellow
- NCR: WSOP Home Game player Tim Kilpatrick 47th
- Nice!
- Re: Day 2 starts today at noon.
- Re:NCRWSOP Home Game player Tim Kilpatrick 194th
- That's awesome. Please keep us posted!
- Re: That's awesome. Please keep us posted!
- That is good news,heck I'm excited
- The Chip Board Poker Season starts in 3 days...
new PCs in collection
WINNER of contest
- Thanks, Alan
Rare CA Indian And Other NV & CA Chips!
- Computor Help
- Yes, if...
- Another though
- Re: Another though
Monday Humor (Mature)...
- All Epson scanners are NOT equal
- Re: Very interesting..! Thanks.
- that is a wonderful write up on...
- Re: that is a wonderful write up on...
- Re: that is a wonderful write up on...
150 items just listed!!!
- skippie bid on a few
- Hotrod of the day for 7-9-12
- Pic; Borgnine/Stardust Roulette table/autograph
Some great STEALs ending very shortly
- If worried about the lastest Computer virus ....
- I just used it, I'm safe
- Probably OK, but not a US government site
- Re: Probably OK, but not a US government site
- Interesting Articles I Read in April...
- Re: If worried about the lastest Computer virus ..
- Re: If worried about the lastest Computer virus ..
- For Sale:Trump Plaza Atlantic City Chips - '02-'04
Fourth of July Plaque
Halloween and Christmas Plaque
Halloween Plaques 4
Halloween Plaques 3
Halloween Plaques 2
Plaques...Halloween 1
- Crest and Seals, Foreigns Ending Soon on
- Chip For Rent ($39 per month) ~~~
- Great line.... I had to read your post
- Last Chance for a steal on DI Roulettes
- Honk! Honk! to Doug Deems!
Heading home...
Military Insignia
Endangered, almost extinct type of chip?!?
Golden Nugget Laughlin Chips for FACE VALUE!
Great Looking Room Key, Just a Buck!
- NCR: Ernest Borgnine dead at 95
- Re: NCR: Ernest Borgnine dead at 95
6 nice LV chips for face and Free Shipping?
- Scanner info needed
- It's Epson
- Take your pick ...
- Dennis, I'd wait a few days and check
- Don, Archie, and Bill Thanks for all the info,
- Re: Scanner info needed
- Re: Computer help needed
- Re: Computer help needed
- Dale Earnhardt collectable Playing cards in tin
- Make me an offer folks.
- here is some chips I got at the convention
Collection of rare UK chips
very nice but no snappers
CHC Large Key 100, if you still have it....
- Ok, send $25 (and I have a dupe of this one still)
New KY, TX, IL & IN Illegal chip finds
Mixed LV and NV obsoletes
Consignment Sale final reductions
- Re:
Consignment Sale final reductions
- Today's SNAPPER
Small Themed Lots of NV Chips
- NV Small Town $1s, most obsolete
- Two Tonopah Club HHR $1s
- 4 Downtown LV $5s
- 6 Green $25s from Reno / LT