Hi Jim
Thanks for posting the Langworthy sample. GGS actually had some of these in their store about 10-12 years ago, but not all designs, and only in small quantities. I got a half dozen, and have picked up a few more over the years but I'm pretty sure I don't have them all.
Colors are red, green, blue, black, purple
Edge spots are all crowns:
4 split
There are lots of other Langworthy samples but just in this set of inlays with crown edge spots I have found only 9. There are some others with crown edge spots but with the Wico name on the inlay. I've found only three of these, red, green, and black, all with two edge spots.
I'd be interested in hearing from other collectors if they can add to the list of varieties. I also buy these samples, or will trade other samples for them.