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The Chip Board Archive 22

Chip IDs: Arodie/Diasq/Triangles/Smkey

Hi all,
I'm wondering if anyone can help identifying any of these chips.
I've done research but hit a wall. Also I've been waiting two months now for some chip books due to a postal issue.

Arodie: JA (same both sides)
Smkey: 712 Club $1 (same both sides)
Triangles: ERJ (same both sides)
Diasq: GDH (Reverse scanned) This one also has an identical LDH chip

I can't remember if any Arodie records exist. These are my first Arodies and I love them!
I did not find anything in the Hunt&Co or Taylor&Co records for the Diasq.
I know there are no Smkey records, but a stamp like "712 club" seems promising to find an ID. Great stamp.
Robert Eisenstadt does not mention much about the Triangle mold in his mold design article.
That, and the fact I've not seen much talk or pictures of this mold either, makes me think this mold is maybe a home market chip?

Thanksfor any help you can provide.
Happy chipping!

Rene Melanson

Copyright 2022 David Spragg