JFK said don't ask what the country can do for YOU, Ask what YOU can do for our country. Now, most people ask only what our country can do for them. Too many people in the wagon and not enough people pulling. Impossible debt, China will own us. We are following Europe,soon to be BK. Credit ratings will be down graded, $ will fall, and big government will take over everything. All politics, and get re elected, not what is good for our country.. I feel sorry for families who sons, daughters, and husbands died for our freedom, and keep America strong,now all for nothing, we will be a third world country in 10-20 yrs. The county will never recover.Impossible to service our 16 trillion debt. Very sad day in the USA. Obama care will BK SS and medicare. Feel sorry for my kids and grandkids. Today is the first day of THE LATE GREAT USA. PS Our chip club big trouble also.