The draw was completed today at 8:15am Pacific time.
Below is the team matched to the chippers who are participating in this contest.
It all starts this Sunday.
Good luck to all.
Derek Bistricky R-8169
3rd Annual Chippers Amazing Race Contest
$1 Chip Group
Alan Borenstein = Trey + Alexis (dating)
Matt Elliot = Amy + Daniel (on/off dating)
Theresa Garnier = Jaymes + James (chippendale dancers)
Ike G = Caitlin + Brittany (best friends)
Gerald Nelson = Rob + Sheila (engaged)
Paul Biggs = Gary + Will (sub teachers)
John Zoesch = Abbie + Ryan (dating divorcees)
Virgil Foss = James + Mark (rocker friends)
Bill Wiegele = Natalie + Nadiya (twin sisters)
Ralph Myers = Rob + Kelley (married monster truckers)
Keith Bearden = Josh + Brent (goat farmers)
$5 Chip Group
Dan Cooley = James + Mark (rocker friends)
Dennis Berry = Josh + Brent (goat farmers)
Fred DeKeyser = Rob + Sheila (engaged)
Robert Likes = Gary + Will (sub teachers)
Richard Jeseski = Amy + Daniel (on/off dating)
Marty Robbins = Caitlin + Brittany (best friends)
Derek Bistricky = Abbie + Ryan (dating divorcees)
Jason Barbiaux = Trey + Alexis (dating)
Dennis Garnier = Rob + Kelley (married monster truckers)
“Mr. Monopoly” = Jaymes + James (chippendale dancers)
Sonja Levesque = Natalie + Nadiya (twin sisters)