Pay Pal. Now 1099K taxes collected on 200 + sales, or 20,000.00 in sales per year ( no problem for chip sales nowdays) for the year ( I wil qualify # sales, mostly small $ sales).Also, PP has high fees. E-Bay sales from Ca. sales tax, and very high fees. USPO now cost 1.90 for mailing one chip in BUBBLE mailed. The costs of selling on e-bay, using Pay Pal, & mailing are now very clostly. With chip prices down 50-70%,it's hard for sellers, but great for buyers (the very few). I think it will get worst, as the ecomony will get worst, as unemp. will get worst, as the dollar value will fall, and other problems around the world get worst. China own's us. Middle East folks want to kill us, what a mess. These are just facts, not potical.