I am in the process of setting up a website to display my collection, most wanted, and Traders/Selling Chips. I have a good idea of what I want to do for my collection and want list but I keep going back and forth on how to best display my Traders and Chips for Sale. I know many of you search various club and non club members website to see what they have and I would like to know what you think the best way to display what I have. Below are some of my options that I have come up with but I wanted some opinions before I start building. The website will include the actual pictures of all chips so please keep in mind that I will need to scan each chip. I finished four states and had over 1,000 chips so my traders will be more.
Option 1.
Group Chips by Regions Mixing all chips together. For example Nevada Chips to include all denominations together maybe broken out by area (i.e. Las Vegas, Reno and Others) This way would be good for those who only collect certain areas.
Option 2.
Group Chips by Denominations and then broken out by Region (i.e. Nevada, WA/CA, Midwest, East Coast) I know those who collect only 1.00 or Fractional chips would like this.
Also I plan to keep the page changes to a minimum to keep page jumping down.
You can E-mail me directly or post directly.
Thank you in advance.
Paul S.