I advertised this last week but without a price and probably insufficient detail.
I have now revised the offering slightly.
I have removed mass duplication of more modern books and am now offering:
A collection of between 1500 and 2000 matchbooks with minimal duplication (most of which are on better books anyway).
About half the books are over 25 years old including many feature books and varieties.
Almost every book is from a casino, the majority being from Las Vegas & Nevada.
I believe every book is complete.
A few of the books are in albums, which have custom pvc free pages and black separating sheets. There are also some spare unused binders and a load of brand new pages. Altogether there are 32 binders and it looks like there are enough pages to fill those (They would near enough hold the 1500 matchbooks in total).
The only way I could really ship all these from the UK would be by courier, in two large containers, which would cost me around $300.
This collection is obviously a lot better suited for a beginner or intermediate collector than an advanced collector although at an estimate it would cost over $3000 to put together.
This is the deal. I will take $800 INCLUDING the shipping for the lot. The 32 binders and pages themselves retail for around that amount alone.